Discount On Bulk Purchases When making bulk purchases in most cases as a result of economies of scale your price per unit will drop....
How Should I Put Regular Orders In? The fastest way to make regular orders is through our Online Shop. If you’re not able to order through the...
Meeting Delivery Deadlines If you need a deadline meeting we always advise booking your order in sooner rather than later – to ensure...
Low Stock / Stock Outages All product lines are regularly replenished. We strive to minimize “out of stock” periods, however periodically, especially in high season,...
Information we need to place your order In order to proceed with an order we need you to provide the following: 1) Send over the final design...
When is my order added to the production queue? What is the production queue? Despite having the capacity to print & embroider over 5000+ garments a day, we’re fortunate...
Just In Time Production at A.M. Custom Clothing We operate using a Just In Time (JIT) production model. This model was pioneered by large Japanese manufacturers and remains one...
Starting a Clothing Brand FAQ’s It’s great to hear you’re looking to take the first steps into the world of running a fashion business. It’s...
Getting an Accurate Custom Clothing Quote Why Detailed Information is Important Custom clothing projects vary widely in terms of cost, lead time, and production method. To...